LGPS | Cyber Security Briefing | May 2024
Cyber security Are you as prepared and protected as you can be?
With the risk to local authorities / pension funds increasing, is your Fund doing enough to ensure its cyber security obligations are being met so that member data and Fund assets are as protected as much as possible? We set out below how we, alongside our sister company Marsh, can help you manage these risks.
The risks are real
With a variety of IT systems, 3rd parties, and volumes of member/asset data, pension funds are a prime target for cyber-criminals.
The impact of the Capita cyber-attack in 2023 is well publicised, and the fallout of this incident continues for the stakeholders involved. There have also been a number of incidents linked to local authorities already in 2024.
Indeed recent information released by the ICO shows disruptive cyberattacks affecting local authorities increased significantly with nearly 10 times as many ransomware incidents reported in 2023 relative to 2022. For the first time in 2023 the total number of data security incidents reported by local authorities exceeded 1,000.
Whilst such recent local authority attacks aren’t linked to the LGPS, together with the Capita incident they highlight the real risks faced and the importance for LGPS Funds to manage these risks.
Regulatory focus
From a regulatory perspective, the focus in this area is also increasing.
The Pensions Regulator issued an updated set of guidance principles in December 2023 that confirmed it expects Trustees and Scheme Managers to:
There is certainly a greater emphasis now on “when” a cyber incident occurs rather than “if” recognising the greater threat Funds now face relative to a few years ago.
Coupled with the updated guidance issued, the Regulator’s General Code includes a module in relation to Cyber Controls setting out recognition of the adequate controls public service pension scheme governing bodies need to have, and setting out the measures it expects them to adopt as good practice to Assess and Manage cyber risk – aligning with the updated principles and guidance issued in December.
Being able to demonstrate how cyber risks are being assessed and managed will therefore form a key part of adherence to the Code whilst ultimately improving the overall governance of the Fund.
How we can help
We acknowledge that Funds will be at different stages in their cyber journey. Alongside cyber security specialists from our sister company Marsh, we can provide you with the help and support needed to ensure you assess and manage your cyber risks in each of these key areas.
Aside from the above we would be recommending that the Fund continues to:
- monitor the risks e.g. through inclusion on its risk register,
- liaise with host authority / 3rd parties on a regular basis,
- communicate to stakeholders where appropriate e.g. member newsletter etc.
Ultimately, depending on what stage you are currently at, we can work with you to develop a solution that ensures your needs are met and objectives achieved.
For further information on how we can help, please contact:
Contact us
For more information on how Mercer can help LGPS Funds and their stakeholders, visit www.uk.mercer.com/lgps or contact your usual Mercer consultant.
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